* Weight? 130
* Favorite candy? chocolate? M &
M peanut butter
* Fave restaurant? Jeckyl
and Hyde in NYC
* Fave book? Catcher in the Rye
* Fave album?
* Fave non-Silverchair album (if the one u just said was Silverchair)? In Utero
* Fave Level 27 item? That's hard, but I would say...kid dracula or zombie tee.
* Fave pizza topping? I dunno, I guess pepperoni.
* Fave subject in highschool? History
* Best/Worst subjects? I dunno...worst is english, math...
chemistry....ummmm the list goes on.
* Least fave movie? Hmm, I try to block movies I dont like from
my thoughts...come back to me later.
* Best job? Level 27
* Worst job? Delivering Flowers. I hated it and only lasted like a week.
* Greatest number of times youve seen any band live (and what band)?
Charlotte, and i lost count (nor was I ever counting)--im sure its around 500.
* Number of times youve seen Silverchair live? 8. hell yes.
* Best live band? DUH! silverchair...what, you thought I was
going to say Good Charlotte? Haha...
* Can you cook? I used to, its been a while since I've cooked.
* Best thing you cook? Breakfast foods.
Ideal date? Haunted house with my sexy lady.
* Best date? Going to the arcade w/my gf...she is a dork
and likes video games like me.
* Worst date? Going to see Crossroads.
* Most embarrassing moment?
When I was 1st grade, we all went on
a field trip. I was in the back of
the bus and another schoolbus
behind the bus I was in. The other bus behind me had the principal
in it...sitting in the front seat.
For some reason, I thought I
would say hi to another vehicle in sign language. But I thought
giving the finger was like saying hi. So the whole time we were
going to this place, I was flicking off this other bus with the
principal in it. My mom happened to
be a chapperone on this trip,
was sitting in the front of the bus I was in. WHen we finally
got to the beach, my principal told my mom what i was doing...and
she yelled at me in front of
all the kids. and i was a sad little
emo kid for the rest of the field trip. I guess I was trying to be punk
* Greatest accomplishment? Level
* One thing you can't live without? milk.
If you could have any one thing in the world, what would it be?
* What were you like as a kid? A
dork...wait, i still am. Nothing's
changed. But at least
THIS dork has a cool website about him.
* When you were a kid, what did you want to grow up to be?
For a
while, I wanted to be paleintologist (however you spell it)...you
know, dig up dinosaur bones. I was
obsessed with dinos.
* Anything
else you think your stalkers should know about you? Oh
there is something I finally found
my "sexy cool girl that likes to have
fun, joke around with me, and play video games." Be happy for me dammit. :)